Glencore PLC




Date Time Volume Order Volume Price
17/09/2024 12:32:39.114 100   4.5245
      100 4.5245
      100 4.5245
17/09/2024 12:23:17.667 1 500   4.528
      1 500 4.528
      1 500 4.528
17/09/2024 11:59:32.409 5 600   4.5145
      5 600 4.5145
      5 600 4.5145
17/09/2024 11:27:44.174 500   4.5105
      500 4.5105
      500 4.5105
17/09/2024 10:59:51.643 1 470   4.5295
      1 470 4.5295
      1 470 4.5295
17/09/2024 10:52:53.002 200   4.5315
      200 4.5315
      200 4.5315
17/09/2024 10:51:07.957 2 000   4.534
      2 000 4.534
      2 000 4.534
17/09/2024 10:45:47.517 100   4.5385
      100 4.5385
      100 4.5385
17/09/2024 10:33:37.178 200   4.53
      200 4.53
      200 4.53
17/09/2024 10:06:27.947 300   4.531
      300 4.531
      300 4.531
17/09/2024 10:00:45.220 440   4.5355
      440 4.5355
      440 4.5355
17/09/2024 09:54:26.265 100   4.531
      100 4.531
      100 4.531
17/09/2024 09:53:32.869 1 000   4.535
      1 000 4.535
      1 000 4.535
17/09/2024 09:41:57.759 200   4.5425
      200 4.5425
      200 4.5425
17/09/2024 09:34:01.227 1 000   4.54
      1 000 4.54
      1 000 4.54
17/09/2024 09:30:16.602 1   4.529
      1 4.529
      1 4.529
17/09/2024 09:29:12.162 205   4.5295
      205 4.5295
      205 4.5295
17/09/2024 09:25:56.813 10   4.521
      10 4.521
      10 4.521
17/09/2024 09:12:13.288 300   4.505
      300 4.505
      300 4.505
17/09/2024 09:04:17.438 5 000   4.50
      5 000 4.50
      5 000 4.50
17/09/2024 08:47:14.901 1 000   4.497
      1 000 4.497
      1 000 4.497
17/09/2024 08:38:01.275 1 955   4.4775
      1 955 4.4775
      1 955 4.4775
17/09/2024 08:26:24.251 200   4.495
      200 4.495
      200 4.495
17/09/2024 08:02:56.002 267   4.48
      267 4.48
      267 4.48
17/09/2024 08:00:04.833 1   4.4765
      1 4.4765
      1 4.4765
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