MTU Aero Engines AG Anleihe v.2024(2031/2031)




Date Time Volume Order Volume Price
27/09/2024 17:17:08.642 25 000   101.64
      25 000 101.64
      25 000 101.64
27/09/2024 17:12:52.958 10 000   101.678
      10 000 101.678
      10 000 101.678
27/09/2024 16:19:58.407 5 000   101.639
      5 000 101.639
      5 000 101.639
27/09/2024 16:18:55.512 1 000   101.639
      1 000 101.639
      1 000 101.639
27/09/2024 15:59:29.876 25 000   101.60
      25 000 101.60
      25 000 101.60
27/09/2024 15:27:40.756 50 000   101.60
      50 000 101.60
      50 000 101.60
27/09/2024 15:24:16.879 10 000   101.60
      10 000 101.60
      10 000 101.60
27/09/2024 14:52:04.118 6 000   101.617
      6 000 101.617
      6 000 101.617
27/09/2024 14:10:19.064 50 000   101.50
      50 000 101.50
      50 000 101.50
27/09/2024 13:01:57.828 5 000   101.51
      5 000 101.51
      5 000 101.51
27/09/2024 12:59:11.108 20 000   101.455
      20 000 101.455
      20 000 101.455
27/09/2024 12:46:01.608 40 000   101.455
      40 000 101.455
      40 000 101.455
27/09/2024 12:43:31.917 40 000   101.455
      40 000 101.455
      40 000 101.455
27/09/2024 12:35:57.721 30 000   101.50
      5 000 101.50
      30 000 101.50
      5 000 101.50
      20 000 101.50
27/09/2024 12:33:57.765 15 000   101.514
      15 000 101.514
      15 000 101.514
27/09/2024 11:24:57.324 20 000   101.575
      20 000 101.575
      20 000 101.575
27/09/2024 11:15:19.453 5 000   101.595
      5 000 101.595
      5 000 101.595
27/09/2024 10:52:56.720 5 000   101.595
      5 000 101.595
      5 000 101.595
27/09/2024 10:49:47.838 15 000   101.595
      15 000 101.595
      15 000 101.595
27/09/2024 10:46:43.652 20 000   101.59
      20 000 101.59
      20 000 101.59
27/09/2024 10:14:04.803 310 000   101.60
      100 000 101.60
      10 000 101.60
      200 000 101.60
      310 000 101.60
27/09/2024 08:13:18.134 10 000   101.316
      10 000 101.316
      10 000 101.316
27/09/2024 08:01:08.288 13 000   101.34
      10 000 101.34
      13 000 101.34
      1 000 101.34
      2 000 101.34
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