
Date Time Volume Order Volume Price
30/08/2024 19:01:53.371 100   14.17
      100 14.17
      100 14.17
30/08/2024 18:42:59.036 300   14.05
      300 14.05
      300 14.05
30/08/2024 18:32:33.985 30   14.10
      30 14.10
      30 14.10
30/08/2024 17:38:57.892 32   14.12
      32 14.12
      32 14.12
30/08/2024 17:36:23.483 300   14.09
      300 14.09
      300 14.09
30/08/2024 16:54:13.412 50   14.13
      50 14.13
      50 14.13
30/08/2024 16:32:36.697 150   14.23
      150 14.23
      150 14.23
30/08/2024 15:34:06.187 70   14.03
      70 14.03
      70 14.03
30/08/2024 14:31:58.453 300   14.04
      300 14.04
      300 14.04
30/08/2024 14:31:33.060 300   14.03
      300 14.03
      300 14.03
30/08/2024 14:10:55.321 100   14.01
      100 14.01
      100 14.01
30/08/2024 14:10:53.120 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 14:10:51.737 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 12:49:58.409 10   13.93
      10 13.93
      10 13.93
30/08/2024 12:30:06.378 300   13.92
      300 13.92
      300 13.92
30/08/2024 12:29:54.384 300   13.92
      300 13.92
      300 13.92
30/08/2024 12:19:33.724 72   13.92
      72 13.92
      72 13.92
30/08/2024 10:33:53.322 30   14.01
      30 14.01
      30 14.01
30/08/2024 10:33:53.156 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 10:33:53.015 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 10:33:52.826 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 10:33:41.264 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 10:33:24.771 300   14.01
      300 14.01
      300 14.01
30/08/2024 10:22:49.729 165   13.94
      165 13.94
      165 13.94
30/08/2024 10:22:45.600 300   13.94
      300 13.94
      300 13.94
30/08/2024 10:22:13.552 300   13.94
      300 13.94
      300 13.94
30/08/2024 10:12:39.718 230   13.97
      230 13.97
      230 13.97
30/08/2024 10:12:38.308 300   13.97
      300 13.97
      300 13.97
30/08/2024 10:12:36.107 300   13.97
      300 13.97
      300 13.97
30/08/2024 10:05:40.159 165   13.95
      165 13.95
      165 13.95
30/08/2024 10:05:09.343 300   13.95
      300 13.95
      300 13.95
30/08/2024 10:04:35.382 300   13.93
      300 13.93
      300 13.93
30/08/2024 09:59:35.628 81   13.91
      81 13.91
      81 13.91
30/08/2024 09:58:48.216 300   13.91
      300 13.91
      300 13.91
30/08/2024 09:52:58.658 50   13.91
      50 13.91
      50 13.91
30/08/2024 09:51:40.882 300   13.91
      300 13.91
      300 13.91
30/08/2024 09:51:15.713 35   13.84
      35 13.84
      35 13.84
30/08/2024 09:22:17.656 80   13.87
      80 13.87
      80 13.87
30/08/2024 08:01:06.984 130   14.31
      30 14.31
      130 14.31
      100 14.31
30/08/2024 08:00:08.605 250   14.31
      250 14.31
      250 14.31
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