MUL-LY.EO Go.Bd 10-15Y(DR)U.E.




Date Time Volume Order Volume Price
17/09/2024 12:56:23.473 5   201.8499
      5 201.8499
      5 201.8499
17/09/2024 12:25:40.851 48   201.8299
      48 201.8299
      48 201.8299
17/09/2024 11:31:28.193 191   201.92
      191 201.92
      191 201.92
17/09/2024 10:53:14.880 80   201.7199
      80 201.7199
      80 201.7199
17/09/2024 10:51:05.315 260   201.74
      260 201.74
      260 201.74
17/09/2024 09:30:21.214 3   201.8701
      3 201.8701
      3 201.8701
17/09/2024 09:16:10.854 50   202.1599
      50 202.1599
      50 202.1599
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