Price lists

Name Bid Ask Shares Exec.
3M Co.  144.84 145.42 10 568 228 +0.36% Inc.  228.35 228.60 142 442 2 383 +1.91%
American Express Co. 303.55 304.25 2 030 100 +0.78%
Amgen Inc.  267.95 269.60 1 435 65 -0.15%
Apple Inc.  228.45 228.80 124 992 2 720 +4.26%
Boeing Co.  169.92 170.98 32 520 645 +1.94%
Caterpillar Inc.  373.50 374.50 2 948 150 -0.66%
Chevron Corp.  149.56 150.00 6 453 189 -0.12%
Cisco Systems Inc.  56.85 56.97 23 365 161 +0.98%
Coca-Cola Co., The  59.64 59.88 59 208 573 -2.00%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 610.70 612.00 953 115 +1.36%
Home Depot Inc. 400.85 402.15 2 157 98 -0.80%
Honeywell International Inc. 210.90 211.85 809 42 -1.63%
Intl Business Machines Corp.  215.80 216.70 4 781 138 +1.01%
Johnson&Johnson  143.96 144.38 10 780 286 -0.63%
JPMorgan Chase & Co.  255.55 256.55 3 444 135 +0.83%
McDonalds Corp.  278.75 279.65 3 819 215 -0.09%
Merck & Co. Inc.  93.20 93.60 5 749 142 +0.11%
Microsoft Corp.  0.00 428.80 70 956 2 126 +3.49%
NIKE Inc.  71.11 71.48 19 146 349 -1.11%
Nvidia Corp.  123.28 123.34 2 482 809 37 518 +9.06%
Procter & Gamble Co.  159.06 159.54 9 218 250 -1.27%
Salesforce Inc.  344.45 345.55 10 644 393 +4.20%
Sherwin-Williams Co. 348.10 350.25 51 6 +1.01%
The Travelers Companies Inc. 237.40 238.80 63 5 -0.17%
UnitedHealth Group Inc.  519.10 520.60 1 443 92 +0.02%
Verizon Communications Inc.  38.635 38.815 25 504 156 -0.19%
VISA Inc.  320.20 321.20 6 045 390 +0.49%
Walmart Inc.  93.13 93.35 23 758 358 +0.56%
Walt Disney Co.  107.36 107.68 6 354 165 -0.46%
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